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How do techno DJs mentally prepare for a big set?

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Electronic music, a global giant in the entertainment industry, sees DJs producing exceptional sets that thrill crowds every day. But behind these performances lies immense pressure. Physical preparation is obvious, but how do these techno DJs approach their mental preparation for a big set?

The power of visualization

Visualization has proven to be a powerful tool for mental preparation in a variety of disciplines, and the DJ world is no exception. Imagining the perfect set, feeling the vibe of the crowd and sensing the energy can help the DJ get into the ideal state of mind. It’s a reminder that failure is not an option and that success is within reach.

In addition to anticipating success, visualization allows the DJ to foresee and anticipate challenges that may arise during the set. This could be a technical failure, a sudden change in crowd energy or any other unforeseen event. Being prepared for these situations gives the DJ an edge and a better ability to adapt in real time.

Meditation: the calm before the storm

The benefits of meditation for the mind and body are undeniable. It provides a space to clear the mind, focus on the present moment and free oneself from distractions. A meditation session before a set can help align energies and clarify intentions for the performance.

While many DJs adopt meditation to find inner peace, it can also serve to connect the artist to his or her creativity. By connecting to his deepest thoughts, a DJ can discover new ideas and inspirations for his set, making his performance even more memorable.

Listen to relaxing music

Getting lost in soothing melodies can be a great way to calm stage fright. It’s a reminder to the DJ of why he chose this career: the love of music. Listening to relaxing tunes can help you refocus and regain your inner calm.

More than just soothing, listening to different musical genres can also offer new perspectives and inspiration. By broadening their musical horizons, DJs can discover new rhythms, melodies or techniques to incorporate into their set, for a dynamic, innovative performance.

Building unshakeable trust

There’s no substitute for self-confidence. Every DJ needs to believe in his or her abilities and skills. Reviewing videos of past performances, re-reading positive comments or even listening to personal recordings can be an excellent confidence booster.

Confidence doesn’t just come from being recognized by others. It also comes from personal growth and development. So it’s beneficial for DJs to continue training, learning new techniques and keeping abreast of musical trends. This not only strengthens them as artists, but also nurtures their self-confidence.

The importance of a strong support team

A good DJ knows that he can’t always do everything on his own. Having people you trust to talk to, share your fears or simply relax with is essential. These shared moments can be miracle cures for pre-performance anxiety.

This team isn’t just there for moral support. They play a crucial role in rehearsals, offering feedback, helping to fine-tune set details and ensuring that everything is technically ready. The importance of technical preparation cannot be underestimated, as it enables the DJ to concentrate fully on his performance.

Managing time to avoid stress

One of the biggest stresses for a DJ is the feeling of being rushed or late. Managing your time, arriving early to familiarize yourself with the venue and taking a few moments to yourself before the set starts can make a huge difference.

Planning a warm-up before the set is also crucial. This could be a simple rehearsal, a moment to adjust equipment, or even just a few minutes to stretch and prepare physically. This warm-up time gives the DJ an extra opportunity to familiarize himself with the atmosphere and connect with the energy of the venue.

Nutrition: a key element of mental preparation

A healthy mind in a healthy body. It’s vital to eat properly and stay hydrated before a big set. Avoid heavy meals and opt for foods that boost energy and concentration.

While it’s important to focus on energizing foods, it’s equally essential to avoid excessive stimulants like caffeine or sugar… which could cause an energy crash in the middle of a set. A balance of protein, complex carbohydrates and healthy fats can give DJs the sustained energy they need for a sustained performance every night.


Every DJ is unique, and needs to find the techniques that suit them best. By integrating these different methods into their routine, they are not only ready to face the stage, but also to give the audience the best of themselves. Mental preparation is not a luxury, it’s a necessity for any artist wishing to excel in his or her art.

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